Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Start: Topical Index: Types: Rape: Incestual Rape:
Types: Rape: [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Cameroonian History
[Site] Zimbabwean History
[Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Canadian History
[Site] Mexican History
[Info] Espinoza-Vera, Marcia. »El incesto retratado en dos peliculas de cineastas latinoamericanas.« Literatura y Cine: En el Bicentenario de la Independencia de Iberoamérica y de la Constitución de Cádiz. Edited by Jorge H. Valdivieso et al. Turlock 2014: 25-32. [Info] González-López, Gloria. »Incest revisited: A Mexican Catholic priest and his daughter.« Sexualities 16 (2013): 401-422. [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah. »Unchaining Daughter’s Body: Refiguring Black Families in the "Postracial" United States.« Annual Meeting of the American Studies Association. San Antonio 2010. [Info] Abdur-Rahman, Aliyyah I. Against the Closet: Black Political Longing and the Erotics of Race. Durham 2012. [Info] Barringer, Carol E. »The Survivor's Voice: Breaking The Incest Taboo.« NWSA Journal 4 (1992): 4-22. [Info] Bromberg, Eli W. Sex and Difference in the Jewish American Family: Incest Narratives in 1990s Literary and Pop Culture. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, 2018. [Info] Gordon, Linda. »Incest and Rsistance: Patterns of Father-Daughter Incest, 1880-1930.« Social Problems 33 (1986): 253-267. [Info] Grogan, Christine. Father-Daughter Incest in Twentieth-Century American Literature: The Complex Trauma of the Wound and the Voiceless. Lanham 2016. [Info] McGuigan, William M., et al. »A Single-Case Study of Resiliency After Extreme Incest in an Old Order Amish Family.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 526-537. [Info] Poharec, Lauranne. Showing the Unsayable: Trauma and Juxtaposition in Persepolis and A Child's Life and Other Stories. M.A. Thesis, University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, 2014. [Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. »Trauma and its resolution in Jane Smiley's novel A Thousand Acres.« Reconstructing Pain and Joy: Linguistic, Literary, and Cultural Perspectives. Edited by Chryssoula Lascaratou et al. Newcastle 2008: 195-208. [Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. Writing Trauma, Writing Time and Space: Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres and the Lear Group of Father-Daughter Incest Narratives. Vaasa 2010. [Info] Rodi-Risberg, Marinella. »Incest Trauma and Survival in Patricia Chao’s Monkey King.« Studies in the Novel 47 (2015): 80-98. [Info] Sacco, Lynn. Unspeakable: Father-Daughter Incest in American History. Baltimore 2009. [Info] Yoshikawa, Mako E. Riddles and Revelations: Forms of Incest Telling in 20th-Century America. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, 2008. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Indian History [Info] Prakash, Surya. »Incestuous Relations in Silence! The Court is in Session and Thirty Days has September: A Comparative Study.« Language in India 15 (2015): 298-316. [Info] Vatuk, Ved P., et al. »The Lustful Stepmother in the Folklore of Northwestern India.« Journal of South Asian Literature 11 (1975): 19-43. [Info] Vatuk, Ved P. Studies in Indian Folk Traditions. New Dehli 1979. [Site] Palestinian History
[Site] Vietnamese History
[Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] Austrian History
[Site] English History
[Site] German History
[Site] Irish History
[Site] Russian History
[Site] Swiss History
[Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History [Info] Featherstone, Lisa, et al. »Hierarchies of Harm and Violence: Historicising Familial Sexual Violence in Australia.« Australian Feminist Studies 29 (2014): 306-324. [Info] Foote, Wendy L. Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the Family Court. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006. |